Sunday, January 14, 2007

Blog design....

Well, since I finally redesigned my website, I think it's time for a new blog design, maybe in keeping with the site redesign. I tweaked the blog a bit, keeping the green (which is no longer in my website, it's all black, white and shades in between now), but I think it needs something. Too bad I have so much on my plate that this is a spare time thing.

Also. If you have been on the new site and can't find the blog link, don't think you're missing something--I haven't added it yet!

Projects at the moment: Firehouse Jerky Website; Tongue & Cheek Studio Website

Monday, December 18, 2006

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I'm a slacker.

Well. Too busy to think yet again. What's going on, you may ask? We-ell, I'm waiting patiently (yeah right, those who know me know that I'm not patient at all) for copies of Sketch's book. I went back to school today--yippee!--and I like half my classes so far. We'll see about the rest tomorrow. As far as work goes, I am in the process of re-formatting the Villager for Country Creek. Hopefully I will find the time over the weekend to go over the list of ads and advertisers, and call them up to see who needs space...I really wish the previous editor had been willing to spend some time with me, but I'm sure I'll be able to manage it. It will be some work this first month, but that's what I've been looking for. I also did a great flyer for S&S and EnVie last week; look out for a Willy Wonka-themed party if you are in the Fort Myers area this week. I also bid out a pretty big web job on Tuesday, I hope I get it. Cross your fingers for me on that one, I'd love another website in my port!

In other news, Roger had the bum luck of getting T-boned by a Lincoln Town Car while driving our red Honda Del Sol. I think the Town Car won, but we're still waiting to see if Red is getting totaled or not. Roger wants to get himself a Saab 900 convertible and give me Red (or a new Del Sol), but I'm thinking of talking him out of it. I'd really like something bigger--that was the reason we got me the SUV, right? I'd like something bigger and heavier than a Del Sol, something with a convertible top instead of a targa, something I don't have to shove myself out of when wearing heels, but then again, I really just want Red back. We should know tomorrow whether or not to go car shopping; I have an appointment to go look at a silver Del Sol on Saturday, but I have a feeling that I'm not going to want it (it was tricked out, yuck). I know where there is another Saab for sale though.....

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Well, finals are over, Sketchie's book is finished (I'm dying in anticipation here), I just got another flyer finished for S&S, am working on Down Low Events (waiting on critiques), and I need some time to breathe. I took the cover off here after reading Sketch's blog, in which he said he wanted everyone to wait to see--I will respect his wishes on that one, I hope I didn't spill too bad--I will repost it when I get the OK. Since I did that one out of passion for the book and not for a paycheck, I forgot to inform him of the fine print in my contract, ie, I get to post it on my blog and/or website--oops.

Update: Sketch posted it! See the cover here.....

Fun project for S&S this weekend, I will post as soon as I get the approval on it. I am going to the Tampa food show with my good friend Kim this week, and I am planning on starting the Fumar website comps. Unfortunately, now there is this "price-fixing" thing going on, you can't discuss web design prices with your peers. Huh? How do new designers figure out what to charge? So I am grappling with that right now.....ah well. Time will tell, right?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Taking up space...

Okay, so I posted the book cover and now the links are covering it. Okay..... I did, however, finally update my website so that the "Journal" link redirects to here. I was having issues, the whole Adobe CS2 thing on an Intel Mac. I am also in the process of possibly rebranding myself (do beer bottles really have anything to do with graphic design?), and doing a website proposal for Fumar Cigars. Maybe if I can find the time I'll archive all the old journal stuff here, since I noticed that some of the image links weren't working. Hmmm.....

*rew blows raspberries at the processor and web design gods*

Been awhile....

Alrighty, I know I've been slacking, but it was for a good cause. I finally got my new computer! I have spent the last month transferring files, installing programs, and generally getting things the way they need to be. Lotsa work, but it's worth it!

On another note (something else that has kept me busy), Dr. Sketch's book is finally finished, including my part in the cover! He seems really happy with it, so that makes me happy! I can't wait to see it printed!!

In other news, there are personal reasons for which I have been AWOL; my grandfather isn't doing so well, and we have spent quite a bit of time in Georgia the past month seeing him. Also, all my friends currently have drama in a big way, and our house has always been everyone's escape hatch, so we've basically been running a hostel for everyone! Mary says everyone needs to get their sh*t together because we can't keep the darn house clean. I just need some peace and quiet, personally! But the last few days have been calm, no one around...let's see if it holds.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Maybe now I can actually get around to posting stuff...

Well, I finally got my new computer. 17" MacBook Pro. It's gorgeous! And yes, I AM running Windows on it (but only in Parallels, I like OSX too much now that I've been on it a few days. Besides, having to reboot every time I want to use an Adobe app is a hassle, and I refuse to surf the net in Windows. Come on Adobe, give us CS3!). My doorstop-uh, I meant my Compaq notebook that is fried-I think is going to my mom, because she needs a new computer. I was going to have it fixed for her if it wasn't going to cost a small fortune, but I'm having a hard time getting in touch with my tech guy. Urgh. Of course, I didn't think to deactivate my software liscenses when I restored it, so I have been on the phone with Adobe, Quark, you name it, while installing everything onto the Mac. And they have given me a ration about how many liscenses I have out, and I told them--it's only two computers! I just have more than one OS on this one. Oops, I guess they don't get it yet.

So I'm back, mostly; I still have to figure out how to get my address book into this thing, and I can't seem to get my tablet driver to work, but if I adjust the mouse settings it works just fine. Go figure. Epson had my printer here on Monday, but the black ink refused to print no matter what I did. So I will have a new one tomorrow. Funny, when you think everything is going right and you realize that you can't even print an invoice unless you change the color of the type! Oh well, everything else had been perfect so I guess I should just chalk it up to Murphy's Law.

As far as other stuff goes, the book cover is shaping up, but it's in that stage where I'm just not happy right now. Lorna calls it the "crap stage". I just wish I could blend the darn paint faster, but whatever. I've also been chained to my desk so I can get the battery calibrated in this thing. No porch office this week! Bobby thinks he has a job for us to split; it is another book. Cover, contents, first page and first chapter. The pay isn't fantastic, but it's work, so I don't care. I also have to pick up Shaunna's cards this afternoon, I am still trying to figure out how to charge for those. Jimmy said full price, Roger said free, I said printer markup only and Jimmy responded with "No, I insist that you charge what you normally would for this. No breaks." Gimme five bucks and the print markup? No, full price. Damnit, Jimmy!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

This blog thing.....

Well. I am sick to death of trying to figure out how to do this myself on MY SITE, so thanks to Blogspot for making my life easier. I will try to update this once in a while, so those of you that are interested (all two of you, I imagine) can stay updated while my life continues to run away from me while I follow, shouting obscenities.